Today we were visited by my uncle, aunt and baby cousin. During his stay my step-father stated that he has never seen a fat bee. To which I quickly responded “I have”.
My uncle then questioned this, “How do you know?”.
I responded, “it was chubby”.
“How did you know it was chubby?”
“It had tits” - I felt that explained it all.
Later on in the day he began talking about a friend of his who had given a kidney away to one of her friends. Then going on to say he would only ever do that for my aunt, his son, my mother and then there was a pause.
“Oh thanks” I came out with sarcasticly.
“Oh yeah sorry, and you of course” he responded trying to save himself.
“I don't want it anyway”
The look of shock and horror on his face was priceless.
“It's not even like his body is medically rejecting it....He's just rejecting it straight up” my offended uncle finished with.
Now lets just hope I'm ever in need a his kidney otherwise I'd have to face major payback.