Friday, 21 November 2008

Yesterday's news...

On the 20th November (Yesterday) I was 18, now a lot of people have said that everything changes at this age but so far I can't really tell the difference. I guess like every other year you have to wait to reap the benefits to feel the change. But anyway back to yesterday, so after having an inset day on Wednesday I went to school on Thursday happy to have at least one day off around my birthday. But on my arrival I was met with hordes of friends wishing me a happy birthday and telling me that for the next two days there is no school due to a broken heater. Now what I've realised is that I have never been to school on my birthday, up until this year there were usually two inset days on or around my birthday, depending on what day of the week it was. Maybe it's fate or maybe it's that knife I keeping digging into the school heaters...I guess we'll never know.

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