Ever since I heard that Kevin Smith was making another movie, many months ago, I've been waiting to see it. Slowly but surely the pieces seemed to be put in place..first a name, then cast and so on. But when I heard who was cast I was slightly unsure about the film. Now I have nothing against who he cast and the film overall was very good, but when the news was new to me I questioned it. Seth Rogan is a good actor and so are the rest of the cast in Zack and Miri but to begin with I felt that what was happening was that Kevin Smith was being taken over by the new school of the male rom-com. And as much as I like Judd Apatow and his frequently similar cast I think of him as a rival to Kevin Smith, not so much as they should be fighting it out but in movies all good things seem to come in pairs but there always seems to be a clear winner. So combining two elements, where as now sounds like the perfect idea, did not appeal to me at first.

And if you're turned off by the title, don't know how you would be, then the dialogue is where the 18 rating comes from, and like every other Kevin Smith film what is said is where the, excellent, vulgarity comes from. For his second venture out of his own View Askew universe I believe he has god very well and hope his next film is at least as good as this if not better.
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